V-ZUG Household Appliances
V-ZUG is the leading Swiss brand for durable, high-quality household appliances and markets its products in Switzerland and in selected premium markets abroad. For over 100 years, V-ZUG has been developing and producing appliances for kitchens and washrooms in Switzerland and offers a comprehensive service in all its markets.
In the area of climate protection, the company pursues a three-stage approach to prevent, reduce and compensate for carbon emissions. Thus, the focus is on a clear reduction path of the still existing direct and indirect operative emissions (Scope 1&2). Emissions are to be reduced by 80% by 2030 (base year 2020). The corresponding initiatives to achieve the target are already being implemented or are currently being launched.
An important instrument for achieving the target is the internal CO2 levy, which V-ZUG has been operating together with the former holding company Metall Zug since 2018. The participating companies pay an internal CO2 levy of CHF 120/t CO2 into a fund for the emissions that still occur each year. These funds can be used for projects to prevent or reduce emissions. Often, solutions make a lot of sense ecologically, but not yet economically - this is where the CO2 fund comes in and makes such projects possible.
In addition, the fund makes it possible to compensate for existing (but annually decreasing) emissions already today and thus to claim carbon neutral production. This is where the partnership with the Ripa Gar Foundation comes in. It is important to V-ZUG to invest in a trustworthy, long-term acting and relatively regional afforestation project.
Afforestation, if seriously organized and independently monitored, is seen as one of the most effective means of removing carbon from the atmosphere. The Ripa Gar Foundation has all these qualities and is therefore the ideal partner for V-ZUG. Afforestation can also be used effectively by V-ZUG in terms of communication, and so they like to talk about their "own" V-Forest. This corresponds to Compartment 10 from the first series of afforestation. The annual funds flow into ongoing and further afforestation in Glen Lochay.
Ripa Gar and V-ZUG have also set up a web shop where V-ZUG end customers can offset the emissions generated by the use of their household appliances in the V-Forest. The shop is open to all interested parties, not only for household appliances, but also to offset other emissions such as air travel or similar.