Woodland Carbon Code (WCC)
The Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) is the quality assurance standard for woodland creation projects in the UK, and generates high integrity, independently verified carbon units.
Backed by the Government, the forest industry and carbon market experts, the Code provides woodland carbon units in the UK. The Woodland Carbon Code is internationally recognised for high standards of sustainable forest management and carbon management and is endorsed by ICROA, the global umbrella body for carbon reduction and offset providers in the voluntary market.
Woodland Carbon Code projects provide social and environmental benefits for many communities across the UK. These include biodiversity and habitat creation, improvements in health and wellbeing, benefits for farming, local employment, and educational opportunities.
The first compartments 1 to 11 (planted 2010-2014 - see the map above) are already validated and verified according to the Woodland Carbon Code. Details about the project and the wider benefits can be seen by following this link.
Compartment 12 (planted 2020) is already validated, and the next step will be the 5 years verification process. Compartments 13-16 are currently in the planning stage for planting and a further collaboration with WCC is likely.